
Westminster – Please pay for your Parking

The City of Westminster has made another plea to coach drivers and operators using the ‘pay to park’ coach bays in London, especially in Kingsway and the Bullied Way Coach Station in Victoria, to pay for their parking. Regular observations show that the bays are well used by coaches, but that this usage is NOT … Continue reading “Westminster – Please pay for your Parking”

UPDATE: Weekend Closures of the Blackwall Tunnel 20-22nd July 2024

Transport for London (TfL) has announced two weekend closures of the southbound Blackwall Tunnel, which are required to support the opening of the new Silvertown Tunnel in 2025. The closures, which will take place across the weekends of 20-22 July and 17-19 August, will allow for the final road configuration to be implemented, as well … Continue reading “UPDATE: Weekend Closures of the Blackwall Tunnel 20-22nd July 2024”

BODS & PSV (Accessibility Information) Regulations 2023 – The unintended consequences on the Coach Industry

A challenge for many of us working in transport is keeping track of legislation. For example, the deregulation and the subsequent opportunities for reregulation of the bus network, has introduced new Acts of Parliament and repealed many aspects of earlier Acts, making it, at times, quite difficult for the layperson and, I suspect, the professional … Continue reading “BODS & PSV (Accessibility Information) Regulations 2023 – The unintended consequences on the Coach Industry”

PSVAR: Next Levels of Compliance – 1 August 2024

There are just over 3 months to go before the next step in the minimum levels of compliance required for those who have a ‘Special Authorisation’ for vehicles used on Home to School (HTS) and Rail Replacement (RR) services. From 1 August 2024, the following levels of compliance will be required: Band A – For … Continue reading “PSVAR: Next Levels of Compliance – 1 August 2024”

PSVAR: The Call for Evidence – by Peter Bradley MD UKCOA

It was back at the beginning of the Year (RouteOne 864 January 2023) that I reminded coach operators of the minimum levels of PSVAR compliance required for Home to School (H2S) and Rail Replacement (RR) fleets from 1 August 2023. This deadline is now less than three months away so do make sure that your … Continue reading “PSVAR: The Call for Evidence – by Peter Bradley MD UKCOA”

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